EU Deforestation regulation scoping document v1.0

In the frame of the European Deforestation Regulation (EUDR) applying by the end of 2024, Drive Sustainability, Drive +, CLEPA and VDA are working together to ensure their understanding of the EUDR and that of their members is thorough.
A first joint webinar was delivered last March to deep dive into the legislative framework and the practical implications of its due diligence requirements high on the agenda of car- and truck makers and their suppliers.
To further our collaborative efforts, we have commissioned the law firm contrast for initial insights into key elements of the EUDR, particularly those pertaining to the automotive sector. The questions raised during the March webinar were also answered in the herewith provided Scoping document.
Disclaimer: This document resembles a legal interpretation by the law firm contrast, not a sector position. Neither the partaking associations nor their members are liable for the legal positions assumed therein.
Opinions and information provided are made as of the date of the document issue and are subject to change with new EU guidance and/or needed actions without notice.
Access our EUDR Scoping Document V1.0
Getting to grips with the EU Deforestation Regulation