Over 127,000 suppliers engaged in sustainability assessment activities in more than 126 countries


The Drive Sustainability compliance process assesses organisational adherence of suppliers to international regulations and standards as well as internal guidelines and targets along the supply chain.

It covers the areas of social, ethical, and environmental standards.

The partnership implemented a set of compliance measures based on the Drive Sustainability Guiding Principles and international guidelines such as the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights or the OECD guidelines for Multinational Enterprises.


Considering the European Union’s Batteries Regulation (EU-Batt-R), Drive Sustainability initiated the development of a Battery SAQ in February 2024 to reflect and to integrate the the risk categories outlined in Annex X and the due diligence requirements of the legislation.

The Battery SAQ builds upon Drive Sustainability’s existing SAQ framework. While SAQ primarily assesses the sustainability performance of direct suppliers, the Battery SAQ extends this assessment to include midstream and upstream suppliers.

To contribute to the finalisation of the Battery SAQ, stakeholders (policymakers, civil society organizations, companies, and associations) are invited to bring their insights to express their position and assess the preliminary analysis and adaptation of the Drive Sustainability questionnaire in light of the EU Batteries Regulation.

Participating stakeholders are invited to provide feedback on the implemented changes and the content of a questionnaire.

READ MORE and participate in the Drive Sustainability Stakeholder Consultation on the Battery SAQ.


To assess the sustainability performance of automotive suppliers, Drive Sustainability developed a common Sustainability Assessment Questionnaire (SAQ). Focus is placed on social and environmental sustainability, health and safety, business ethics and compliance, supplier management, and responsible sourcing of raw materials. It is aligned with the Global Automotive Sustainability Guiding Principles.

The SAQ is globally applicable for suppliers in the Automotive supply chain including sourcing, manufacturing, logistics, assembly or retail.

The SAQ is available in 13 languages:


Drive Sustainability, together with SUPPLIERASSURANCE, have launched the first edition of their automotive due diligence intelligence report.

The purpose of this first intelligence report is to highlight significant trends found in the analysis of sustainability information gathered from the automobile sector supply chain through the Sustainability Assessment Questionnaire (SAQ). This first analysis compares the performance of suppliers in relation to region, company size, and sector based on responses from approximately 43,000 suppliers to the SAQ between 2021 and 2023.

Download the Report