Posted on 12/07/2023

On 10th July, Drive+ members joined the SAQ (Sustainability Assessment Questionnaire) Working Group meeting on Modularity. Modularity in the SAQ aims to reduce supplier burden and increase the accuracy of the assessment.


On the 10th of July, Drive Sustainability invited members of the collaborative platform Drive+ to attend the meeting of the Sustainability Assessment Questionnaire (SAQ) Working Group.  The event brought together stakeholders that are currently using the SAQ to assess their own suppliers and discuss the possibility of modularity in the SAQ. Modularity is intended to:

  • • Reduce burden on suppliers based on company size.
  • • Reduce burden on suppliers based on
  • • Increase accuracy of sustainability assessment score


The transformation towards a circular and sustainable automotive value chain cannot be achieved by Drive Sustainability partners alone but requires concerted engagement with suppliers, stakeholders, and related sectors. With the SAQ, OEMs and suppliers can assess organizational adherence of suppliers to international regulations and standards as well as internal guidelines and targets along the supply chain.

The SAQ Working Group aims at facilitation OEMs’ SAQ content development, feedback on platform functions, suggestions for improvement, supplier performance statistics, etc. and is composed of a small number of representatives to facilitate a more closed-looped feedback process. The group meets monthly to develop the tool and explore together new opportunities.

SAQ is one of the 5 Working Groups run by Drive Sustainability, which tackles also Raw Material; Workforce Wellbeing; Integrated Training Offer; and Carbon Neutrality.


For more information:

Jean-François Goupillier (Drive+), Senior advisor, CSR Europe

Catalina Fernández Silva (SAQ), Senior Project Manager, CSR Europe